Diabetes Complete Control

Diabetes Care

In today’s fast moving world, the changes in our lifestyle are slowly deteriorating our overall health and reducing the life span. In cities like Gurgaon, where the life is moving so fast and to keep up the pace we sometimes forget our own well-being.

One of the major health conditions these days is the High blood sugar levels or Diabetes. In case of borderline diabetes (medically termed as pre-diabetes), wherein the presence of blood glucose levels that are higher than normal but not high enough to be classified as diabetes, some lifestyle changes can be really effective, many of which even I am following in my life so as to keep myself at bay from all such health conditions:

1.        Water therapy: Start your day by having 3 to 4 glasses of water and make sure you drink that even before you brush your teeth (Brush your teeth before you sleep). Initially it would be difficult to take this much water so you can begin with 1 to 2 glasses and then increase gradually within a week. Take your sweet time to finish the water and don’t gulp the entire glass at once, instead have it mouthful to mouthful. It may take a good 10 to 15 mins but that is perfectly fine.And believe me, this water therapy does wonders to the overall body systems.

2.        Manage Stress: Stress is one of the major causes of high blood sugar levels and we should find ways to manage stress. I find pranayam is the best way to do that. Breathing in deeply and breathing out helps improve the blood circulation and calms the mind. The best breathing techniques are Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati pranayam followed by Brahmri pranayam.

3.        Yoga : Exercising in any way is very good for the body but after trying my hand on  many things like running on a treadmill, running outside, zumba,swimming, I find yoga aasanas are the best thing. Although there are many aasanas which can be effective for pre-diabetic or diabetic conditions but to name a few; Surya naamaskar (a set of 12 best yoga poses for diabetic patients), Shashank aasan , Manduk aasan and ArdhMatsyendra aasan.These aasanas does wonders by making the pancreas active.

4.        Morning drinks: Some easy homemade drinks can really be helpful in controlling blood sugar levels like
·         Bitter gourd juice; made with 2 to 3 deseeded bitter gourds blended in mixer with some water.
·         Cinnamon tea; Mix one-half to one teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a glass of warm water and drink alternatively you can boil 2 to 3 cinnamon sticks in a glass of water and can have that tea.
·          Fenugreek water; Soak two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Drink the water along with the seeds in the morning on an empty stomach.
·         Amla juice; Take 2-3 deseeded amlas(Indian gooseberry), grind in a mixer and squeeze out the juice through a cheesecloth and mix in a glass of water.

5.        Eat healthy diet: The foods that are not processed, such as fruits and vegetables are the best food for diabetics. A diabetes diet should focus on wholegrain foods like chana aata, millet etc since they are high in fibre and digested slowly and keeps the blood sugar levels more even. Eat healthy fats from nuts, flax seeds and the most important key is to eat in moderation.
